
Being open to change and ready to unfurl into the person you were born to be - for yourself, for those you love, for the world - takes courage.

I'm glad you came.

I’m Lisa, soulful mentor & therapist, holding space for sensitive souls like you to untangle the big stuff so you can finally feel whole and free.

I offer space to rest, to slow, to heal and grow. 

To be more YOU and make the world a better place for it.

Because you are amazing and you have beautiful things to share with the world, whether you know it yet or not.

And, as you’re here on my website, it’s likely you know how much the world needs you right now.

Not riddled with guilt and shame, burning yourself out trying to do all the things (or none because you’re completely overwhelmed by life).

Not a people-pleasing-squished-in-a-box-cog-in-the-capitalist-consumerist-patriarchal-machine.


The world needs you rooted, resilient and rising into your unique power.

The world needs you unbridled, unapologetic and unconditionally YOU.

With your heart wide open in joy, grief and everything in between, and your soul on fire with passion and purpose.

You are one beautiful thread in a bigger story weaving its way into the future.

But even if the world wasn’t on fire, I would want this for you (it just makes our healing work all the more urgent….)

You deserve to feel loved and accepted, just as you are.

You deserve to feel like you belong, that you are needed and wanted and worthy. Oh so worthy.

That you are enough. That you have always been enough.

You deserve to know that there’s nothing wrong with you, but there’s a lot wrong with the world. And your healing changes that.

Imagine what our collective healing can do.

My aim is to inspire a wave of beautiful souls who will in turn send healing ripples out into our world.

Gentle, courageous souls with hearts on fire, making a difference wherever they are.

Are you ready…?

  • Let me guide you on a spiralling journey of self-discovery, weaving the threads of who you are within this magical, interconnected web of life on earth, and the part you are being called upon to play.

  • Gift yourself a day just for you. A day for rest and wellness, healing and wholeness. A day to be held by me so you can safely fall apart and remake yourself. More rooted, more resilient, more empowered.

  • Jump into this series of twelve empowering guided affirmations, helping you navigate the challenges of an uncertain future by embracing your courage, capacity for positive change, and crucially, your truest self.